- Solution architecture & engineering -

Synthys design & implement feedback solutions - supporting our client partners in optimising their brand experiences. 

We believe in ensuring experiential feedback is collected across all customer touch-points and channels. 
Coverage is though often sparse, with data silos that are not connected; or there is inadequate tech platform linkage - which is unable to deal with the exponential growth in data volumes, velocity and complexity.
The Synthys team have unrivalled commercial expertise in designing end-to-end data pipelines, configuring API interlinkages, as well as implementing technology enablers.

Many are just starting out on the 'Big Data' journey. We are not. To us, customer data represents a strategic advantage - enabling businesses to leapfrog the competition and 'win'.


Tech Innovation Director 

With technology continuing to evolve at a startling pace, it is more important than ever to have an innovation expert in your corner. Whether it is understanding the art of the possible, or translating your programme vision into operational actuality, Cam is the guy for you - he is fully immersed in the digital-systems space; on-top of the latest tech applications; as well as prides himself on making customer data and processes work far harder and more efficiently - through automation and intelligent programme execution. 

Some of the brand partners we have supported through digital insight innovation:

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